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Welcome to The Bamboo Peacock website! My name is Alea, and I am the owner of The Bamboo Peacock and the creator of this website. I am a small peafowl breeder in Florida with a few varieties of peafowl. I am still in the early stages of establishing my flock, but occasionally I will sell a few of my peafowl.

If I do not have birds for sale at the time, or I do not have the variety of bird you are looking for, you can check out the links page for other peafowl breeders, or you can ask me who to contact.

Peafowl are very fun birds to raise. Many people are attracted to peafowl because of their beauty, but they also have great personalities. Peafowl also make very cool noises, but not everyone appreciates the noise they make, so if you have neighbors, make sure they are okay with the noise before you get peafowl. The more peacocks you have, the more noise. They call during the spring and summer time, which is the breeding season. Do some research on peafowl before you buy them. Even if you plan on free-ranging them, they still need to be in a pen for a while, and they can fly so you need netting or chicken wire over the top of their pen. I frequently add more pages to this website so check back often. I am always adding more articles and currently I have probably the most peafowl articles compared to other peafowl breeder sites!

My goal is to be a good aviculturist by helping conserve peafowl and learning all I can about them and to also educate others about peafowl.

*All photos on this site can be clicked on to see the larger version.*

Due to people using MY photos of MY peafowl to sell their own birds, please read this: Copying Peafowl Photos Please be honest when selling birds!!!



I am a UPA Board of Director & the Magazine Editor.


Site last updated: 5-2-2017 
